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Why you should be using Parqet vs CSV files in the cloud


As data volumes continue to grow, businesses need to find ways to store and analyze large amounts of data efficiently. CSV files have been the go-to format for storing and exchanging data for decades. However, they have several limitations, especially when it comes to working with large datasets. Parquet files, on the other hand, have emerged as a more efficient alternative to CSV files, especially when working with big data in AWS. In this blog post, we’ll explore why Parquet files are more beneficial than CSV files in AWS.

What are Parquet files?

Parquet is a columnar storage format designed for storing and processing large amounts of data. It’s an open-source file format that was initially developed by Cloudera and Twitter. Parquet files store data in a highly compressed, columnar format, which makes them more efficient than CSV files when it comes to storing and querying large datasets.

Benefits of Parquet files in AWS

There are several benefits of using Parquet files over CSV files in AWS. Here are some of the most significant benefits:

Efficient Storage: Parquet files use columnar storage, which means that data is stored in columns rather than rows. This storage format is much more efficient when it comes to storing and querying large datasets because it reduces the amount of I/O required to read or write data.

Compression: Parquet files use compression algorithms to further reduce the storage space required to store data. This compression can reduce the size of the data by up to 75%, making it more efficient to store and transfer data.

Cost-Effective: Because Parquet files are more efficient than CSV files, they require less storage space and use fewer resources when querying data. This makes them a more cost-effective option, especially when dealing with large datasets.

Faster Query Performance: Because Parquet files use columnar storage and compression, they can deliver faster query performance when working with large datasets. This speed is especially noticeable when working with analytical queries or complex data structures.

Compatible with AWS Services: Parquet files are compatible with several AWS services, including Amazon S3, Amazon Redshift, and Amazon Athena. These services provide tools for storing and querying Parquet files, making it easy to use them in your AWS data workflows.


Parquet files are a highly efficient file format for storing and processing large amounts of data in AWS. They offer several benefits over CSV files, including more efficient storage, compression, cost-effectiveness, faster query performance, and compatibility with AWS services. If you’re dealing with large datasets in AWS, consider using Parquet files to help optimize your data workflows and improve performance.